499 148-10-40
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ISSN 2079-4401
Federal State Institution "SIC BDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" CEO of publishing house "UNITY-DANA"
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March, 2010
2016. Том 7. № 1
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№ 1, 2010
UDC: УДК 347.78
Annotation: The article deals with the protection and restoration of violation of intellectual rights.
Keywords: copyright, exclusive rights, Intellectual property, protection of rights
Publication date: 31.03.2010
Publication on site date: 17.12.2015
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ISSN 2079-4401
Co-founders: Federal State Institution "SIC BDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" CEO of publishing house "UNITY-DANA"
Redaction address: Moscow, Poklonnaya str., 17
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Journal «Modern science», © 2015